Rock star. Better looking groupies.
Robert K Stock
JoinedPosts by Robert K Stock
Would you rather be a sports star or a rock star?
by Dustin ini was thinking the other day, if i could choose to be an awesomely gifted basketball player, or an awesomely gifted singer/guitar player; which would it be?
in the end i decided i'd rather be a rock star.
better parties, and definitely more of a bad boy image.
Are there any 'true' churches ?
by Qcmbr injust a question because of course we all either believed we were in the 'truth', are still in the 'truth' have left and found the 'truth', there is no 'truth' or that the only truth is found in the trailer park with a bottle of bud and a bunch of 'pozzies:)
Robert K Stock
The only "truth" is found in science. If it can be measured and tested with repeatable results by everyone who does the experiment, it is truth.
Everything else is belief. Some beliefs are benign, some deadly. No belief is truth.
Have you ever wondered....
by Hecklerboy inwith all the attention on terrorism in the world today and with the goverment cracking down on some anti-goverment groups.
will the witnesses be next on the list of groups to be watched by the goverment?
maybe even taking action against them.
Robert K Stock
The Branch Davidians in Waco were an Adventist cousin of the Watchtower. They taught that one day the government would attack them and it did.
In the Watchtower's case they do not have to worry. Jehovah's Witnesses are not the controversial, in your face, stick it to the man, outfit they may have been when Rutherford had his boys cracking heads with lead tipped canes in the 1930's.
As long as the FDS tells the rank and file to pay their taxes and obey the laws of the country, the government will let these sleeping dogs lie.
In life, how do you walk?
by Tigerman in.
on a day to day basis, does it really make any difference to you as how you perceive others and how they perceive you?
if so, do you think this thought process can be altered, in one way or another, for the greater good?
Robert K Stock
I walk with a spring in my step and my head held high.
If you treat others with kindness and respect you will in turn be treated by others the same way.
Watchtower, Russell, Freemasons and the Illuminati
by truth_about_the_truth indear friends,
here is some intriguing info on the real history of the watchtower organization and the hidden agenda and role that they play in relation to the new world order.
i've pasted an excerpt here which i find especially interesting.
Robert K Stock
There is no secret group that control the politics and economy of the world. It is conspiracy theory baloney.
My study of history leads me to conclude that no government or business could ever keep any secret.
Robert K Stock
I agree that there is not one shred of evidence for mainstream Christianity as well as the theories of "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" and "the Da Vinci Code."
I am an Atheist and have been for about seven years now. I was simply answering the question begining this thread.
Robert K Stock
A re-hashing of the book "Holy Blood, Holy Grail." Supposedly Jesus and May Magdalene were married had babies then moved to Southern France founding the Merovigian dynasty of Kings (direct descendants of Mr. and Mrs. Christ) They were guarded by a secret order of monks/knights. Da Vinci was supposedly a member of this order and included clues about this story in his art work.
Some Gnostic sources did teach that Jesus did not die on the cross but the poor schmuck who carried the cross for Jesus was crucified in Jesus place. Jesus and Mary went off to have babies and died of old age. This ancient Gnostic story is the basis for "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" and "The Da Vinci Code."
Not one shred of evidence for any of this.
If This Isn't A Cult----What Is It????
by minimus inthe organization teaches that we leave everyone and everything else behind when we join christianity (also known as the "truth").
your father, mother, brother and sister all have to be given up to become a "real" christian.
friends that you grew up that are not of the same religion must be abandoned.
Robert K Stock
The Watchtower is not a cult. It is more like peer pressure in High School to the thousandth degree.
Artist You Enjoy, Now That They're Dead
by prophecor init's sad but it's true, when an artists death occurs, they often become more famous post humously ( after they've died ), than the fame they experienced when they were alive.
two that immediately come to mind for me are,
a. stevie ray vaughn (legendary blues guitarist)
Robert K Stock
Karen Carpenter.
I hated the Carpenters in the 70's but really, really like them now.
Why do women scream, but men grunt?
by onacruse inhave you ever watched a movie where, when the monster jumps out, the woman grunts and the man screams?.
have you ever walked a forest trail where, when you accidently step on a big old slug, the woman says "cool!
" and the guy goes "icky-poo!!".
Robert K Stock
Heather Langenkamp may have been the scream queen of Nightmare On Elm Street, but I melt into a puddle on the floor when I watch my old VCR tapes of her character Marie Lubbock from the TV show Just the Ten of Us.
She reminded me of a lot of Witness girls I knew. A pious facade masquerading a seething cauldron of sensuality.